Top 10k strings from 16-48 Magazine - Issue 03 (1984)(16-48 Tape Magazine)(Side B).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   4 )=n(hole+3
   4 );"  ";n(hole+3
   3 ;"STOP THE TAPE":
   2 z$="10020203RUN THE TAPE":
   2 z$="00030103"+a$:
   2 n,o;"                                ":
   2 Magnetic Magazines Ltd.*6\$:
   2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@
   2 @@@@@@@@@@
   2 00300025300077012222222222222000000500000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
   2 (paddr/256
   2 "16/48next"
   2 "16/48REV#3"
   2 "16/48LOAD2"
   2  to repeat, 
   2  to move on.":
   2  B.C.THORNE DEC 1982
   2  1983 16/48 Magazine Ltd*S\
   1 z$="ll130201AND ":
   1 z$="ll020302GREEN MEN":
   1 z$="ll000402DUNGEONS":
   1 z$="18030203Stop the tape":
   1 z$="18030203<THE WINNER!":
   1 z$="18020203Start the tape":
   1 z$="18010202THEN READ ON....":
   1 z$="15010604SORRY":
   1 z$="14030204GOLDEN BATON":
   1 z$="14010102KEEP HAVING TO PULL THE PLUG??":
   1 z$="11010102CAN'T FIND THAT TREASURE?":
   1 z$="10050102PLEASE STOP THE TAPE":
   1 z$="10040103Please let the tape run.":
   1 z$="10020203STOP THE TAPE":
   1 z$="09020203STOP THE TAPE":
   1 z$="09010202Y":
   1 z$="09010202D":
   1 z$="09010202A":
   1 z$="08300210?":
   1 z$="08010102STUCK IN A DUNGEON?":
   1 z$="07040202HOBBIT HINTS":
   1 z$="07010202T":
   1 z$="04000404Renumber":
   1 z$="00140201OF":
   1 z$="00010503VORTEX":
   1 store frame
   1 renumber  y
   1 renintro  e
   1 prog=prog+len+6
   1 prog=prog+6
   1 prog=prog+5
   1 prog=prog+1
   1 prog=paddr+3
   1 prog+len+5
   1 prog+len+4
   1 paddr=paddr+jump
   1 p$="1122334455667722744":
   1 m$="with a fast response time.<Graphics are artistically very<good (artist Jon Blacow) and<are rapidly drawn then painted<by an unusual but quick fill<routine, essential as all<locations are displayed. Even<here you have the option to<switch from graphic-text to<text only and back again,<which makes going to retrieve<that forgotten but essential<object ten locations back<almost a joy.":
   1 m$="well designed and challenging":
   1 m$="stolen Golden Baton, a<priceless artifact with the<power to maintain the dynamic<equilibrium between the good<and evil forces of nature!< The world of the Golden Baton<is one of woods, caves and<castles, which are populated by<some very strange adversaries!":
   1 m$="our mission is to recover the":
   1 m$="igital Fantasia's":
   1 m$="he program is well designed,":
   1 m$="adventure that will keep you<perplexed and entertained on<these long winter evenings.<Get a copy for when you tire<of VALHALLA.<If you already own<THE GOLDEN BATON and need<help, just ENTER the last<6 digits of Digital Fantasia's<phone number for a help menu.<Everyone else just press ENTER.":
   1 m$="You will need the staff and<the magic word":
   1 m$="You have to be wearing the<helmet to read the runes":
   1 m$="What do you expect if you<swim moats with matches in<your pocket?<Throw matches across moat.<IF you forget rub the ring<for help":
   1 m$="Try going places< Example GO PATH":
   1 m$="This month we look at the<first in the series;< <   THE":
   1 m$="The rope is in the Briar.< <Maybe HACK Briar?":
   1 m$="Remember that old tatty cloak?<things are not what they seem!":
   1 m$="MY mistake! I forgot that the<Hobbit has an unstable<geography When short-cuts are<taken.< <DO YOU WHANT TO SEE THE NORMAL<ROUTE<             Y/N":
   1 m$="Kill the slugs with the salt<and feed them to the crab ":
   1 m$="If you have discovered any<solutions, interesting short<cuts or bugs in any adventure<game then drop us a line at<16/48. We will send you `5 if<we publish your contribution.<Send us your problems and we<will do our best to save you<from death, destruction and<an over heated Spectrum":
   1 m$="From the Misty mountains go;<N,NE,N,SE,DOWN,D,D,D,E,<TAKE KEY<UP,W,N.< <My thanks to the myriad of<readers, who pointed out this<error.":
   1 m$="First my apologies for the<incorrect hobbit hint in<issue 1.":
   1 m$="Find the mirror and<HOLD MIRROR just before you<enter the room.":
   1 m$="Brian Howarth is a most<prolific author. In the last<few years he has written,<designed and coded ten<adventures in the Mysterious<Adventure series and translated<them to run on the five most<popular micros including, of<course, our beloved Spectrum.":
   1 instructions
   1 i;"leave tape running"
   1 hole=hole-4
   1 hole=hole-1
   1 hole=hole+4
   1 hole=hole+1
   1 ff=n(hole+3
   1 elies     
   1 ]B.C.THORNE APRIL 1983:H\
   1 Z$="00030103"+A$:
   1 WORDS     %
   1 WINNER    
   1 VORTEX    
   1 THE 15     
   1 RABBIT    %
   1 Press any key to continue 
   1 PIC4      
   1 CHAT      %
   1 Bhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO`OOOOHOOOOOOO`````````O````OOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO`OOOO`OO```````````O  OOOOOOOOOOH````OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO```````````O  OOOOOOOOOO
   1 B.C.THORNE APRIL 1983*S\
   1 A@@@P@@@@@@D@@`@@
   1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@****************
   1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
   1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
   1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
   1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
   1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
   1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
   1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
   1 @@@@@@@@@@@@
   1 @@@@@@@@@@@
   1 ;"press any key"
   1 ;"What do you want to do now ?"''"Press"'"
   1 ;"The renumbering has tried to go above line 9947"'"
   1 ;"Sorry, but this is one program   which you cannot RUN from the   middle.":
   1 ;"Select cheatability (
   1 ;"SUMMARY"
   1 ;"SIDE 2 LOADING"
   1 ;"Run the tape for the next review"
   1 ;"RUN THE TAPE":
   1 ;"Q = Quit      "
   1 ;"Press any key":
   1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY":
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY"
   1 ;"PLEASE WAIT":
   1 ;"Lines now renumbering every ";b;" ":
   1 ;"In issue 4 of 16/48 we give you 64 characters per line printing,chapter 2 of 
   1 ;"INSTRUCTIONS";"(cont.)"''
   1 ;"First line number now "'a:
   1 ;"8 = Move right";
   1 ;"7 = Move up   ";
   1 ;"6 = Move down ";
   1 ;"5 = Move left ";
   1 ;"16/48 COMPETITION";
   1 ;" This is a game for two players  based upon an old board game    which will be recognised when   you see that the two players    are 
   1 ;" The aim is to be the first"'" player to reach 100 and then    get back home."''" Once you land exactly on 100    your moves automatically go     into reverse so that you can    race home."''" To move just press any key      except 
   1 ;"             "
   1 ;"                         ":
   1 ;"                                ":
   1 ;"          
   1 9950 to renumber":
   1 3DTANX    
   1 3DDP      `
   1 3DCZ      
   1 3D TANX by DK'tronics.#Don Priestly has placed you in command of an anti-tank gun trained on a bridge which spans the screen. Your orders are to stop any enemy tanks crossing (they shall not pass!).#The enemy have other ideas! They rumble across the bridge from right to left and it is not long before your presence is realised and your position calculated. From then on you are under constant bombardment.#You control your gun elevation and your horizontal movement with keys chosen from a menu which also offers useful options such as unlimited ammo, invulnerability and level of difficulty.#3D TANX is a simple, addictive game with plenty of action. Almost one of the classics.}                                                                                                                       
   1 3D DESERT PATROL by  CRL.#Here you are faced with tanks and minefields with only a crude compass, rangefinder and mine detector to help you. You are constantly harrassed by enemy tanks which appear from nowhere and at great speed (relatively).#The program is written partly in BASIC, calling on machine code routines to provide movement and returning to BASIC whenever anything significant happens. This has serious disadvantages.#When an enemy tank leaves your field of view it ceases to exist and every time you fire a shell the game freezes.#When one accepts these limitations 3D Desert Patrol does become playable, if somewhat dull.}                                                                                                                                                                   
   1 3D COMBAT ZONE by Artic.#3D Combat zone is a pretty faithful reproduction of the arcade game 'Batle Zone' (an old favourite of mine). Before you lies a desolated landscape populated by intelligent tanks, super tanks and flying saucers, but alas none of the missiles that got the adrenaline pumping in the original.#You can explore this environment through your gunsight as you manouver your tank between perspective wire frame pyramids, using the radar screen to track your deadly foes.#Screen movement is slightly jerky, but given the need for constant recalculations of perspective it is quite acceptable.# This is a very ambitious game to translate onto the Spectrum. It does not quite have the speed of the original but is still very impressive. Recommended. Well done John Ritman and Artic.}    
   1 23733=255)":
   1 1902190519081911191419171920192319261929172917261723172017171714171117081705170215021505150815111514151715201523152615291329132613231320131713141311130813051302110211051108111111141117112011231126112909290926092309200917091409110908090509020702070507080711071407170720072307260729052905260523052005170514051105080505050203020305030803110314031703200323032603290129012601230120011701140111010801050102c
   1 16/48next "
   1 16/48REV#3
   1 16/48Noise
   1 16/48LOAD2
   1 16/48D&G  
   1 16/48COMP H
   1 16/48 COMPETITION FEB 84
   1 00300025300077012222222222222000000500000000000000020000000000000000000000000400000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000
   1 00300025300077012222222222222000000500000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000M
   1 0 Created by Muf for
   1 ."''" Cheatability decides how slowly the die changes so that you     can control your moves." 
   1 ."''"      
   1 ,paddr-256
   1 ,o;"    ADVENTURE HELP FROM Yaz.   "
   1 ,i;"Press R to read again.";
   1 ,i;"Press L to load VORTEX"
   1 ***************
   1 *(r$="m")-10
   1 );" lines. Try changing thevalue of 'mx' (line 9947) next  time."
   1 ),x(hole,2
   1 (prog+z)=14
   1 (prog+z)):
   1 (prog+len+5
   1 (prog+len+4
   1 (h(n)-h(n-10
   1 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
   1 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((                    (((((((((((                      (((((((((                        (((((((                          (((((                            (((                              (                                88888888888888888888888888888888
   1 ''" We want you to write a routine  to clear the screen. CLS is     effective but not much fun.     The winning entries will do the same job in a more interesting  way. Michael's suggestion of    spiralling out from the centre  until reaching a particular     attribute could act as a        catalyst for you."
   1 ''" This month the competition is   short and simple so that we     have enough room to show you    the winning entries from the    first issue." 
   1 '" The competition was inspired    by the letter from Michael      Silve in issue 2.":
   1 '" Send entries recorded twice on  cassette, written in machine    code or in basic, to 16/48 by   the IDES OF MARCH 84 and the    two best entries will receive   fame and small fortune in the   form of the Spectrum 
   1 '" (If you BREAK from this program  you can re-enter with GOTO 20.  Do not use RUN.)"
   1 #p;"b) You may load ""renumber""      before you start to write a     program and then type RUN 9947  to renumber."
   1 #p;"a) You can MERGE ""renumber""     with programs already in memory.If you do press CLEAR first thenRUN 9947"
   1 #p;"If your new program contains thestatement GOTO 00 ,
   1 #p;"If you get an 'out of memory' or'variable not found' report     check that you have CLEARed the program to be renumbered. If    that doesn't work get a bigger  spectrum."
   1 #p;"If you find that you have lost  the last few lines of a program then it is because it is longer than ";100
   1 #p;"8) When the program has finishedit will ask you if you want to  renumber another section. If youdo not want to, then ~renumber~ will erase itself."
   1 #p;"7) Go and make a cup of tea."
   1 #p;"6) The computer will ask you forthe first line to be renumbered. If you want to renumber the    whole program 
   1 #p;"5) Type GOTO 9950"
   1 #p;"4) When the computer gives you  the 'OK' or 'STOP' report you   can list your program."
   1 #p;"3) When the program asks you,   type in MERGE """""
   1 #p;"2) You can sort your program    into different blocks if you    renumber the lowest numbered    lines first. LIST the result andthen GOTO 9950"
   1 #p;"2) LOAD ""renumber""."
   1 #p;"1) SAVE a copy of your program  on cassette.
   1 #p;"1) LOAD ""renumber""  then follow the instructions."
   1 "renumber"
   1 "renintro"
   1 "number of program lines ";t'"renumbering from ";a'"finishing at line ";
   1 "line ";line;" not found":
   1 "You specify how blocks of your  programs are to be renumbered."
   1 "You can LIST now":
   1 "This program will renumber all, or blocks of other BASIC"'"programs and then delete itself."
   1 "The program will report with    error 'G'"'"Don,t worry.","Press any key to erase & then ENTER LIST":
   1 "The program will renumber GOTO, GOSUB, LINE, LIST, RESTORE and  RUN."
   1 "The program will also tell you  if you have specified jumps to  non-existent lines."
   1 "The computer will override your instructions only if there is a danger of a program being       corrupted because instructions  would cause line numbers to go  above line 9947."
   1 "The 48K spectrum can renumber upto 37KBytes. In addition it is  possible to specify the maximum number  of lines to renumber by changing the value of 'mx' in   the renumber program.(line 9947)"
   1 "The 16K Spectrum can renumber a program of up to 5KBytes or 100 lines." 
   1 "TEl No  ";
   1 "Renumber another segment ?(y/n)";a$:
   1 "PRESS r TO RESTART";m$
   1 "Now MERGE the program to be     renumbered"
   1 "If the program has a jump to a  number variable this is left in."''
   1 "23635"+256
   1 "192","192","0","24","24","0","3","3","0","102","102","0","0","102","102","0","195","195","0","24","24","0","195","195","0","219","219","0","0","219","219","0","62","64","62","1","62","64","62","2","66","66","126","66","66","126","66","66","0","127","127","96","103","103","102","102","0","255","255","0","255","255","0","3","0","254","254","0","240","240","48","48","102","102","103","103","96","127","127","0","7","3","255","255","0","255","255","0","176","48","48","48","48","48","240","0","0","4","6","127","127","102","100","96","96","96","96","127","127","0","0","0","0","0","0","224","231","231","230","230","24","60","126","24","248","248","0","0"
   1 "16/48D&G"
   1 "16/48COMP"
   1 "100+100*(
   1 "0","0","0","24","24","0","0","0","0","6","6","0","0","96","96","0"
   1 "''" Ian Mathias of Alvechurch near  Birmingham wins the RD digital  tracer for this tour de force.  Well done.":
   1 "''" F. Federico of Stafford wins a  DK'tronics Light Pen for this   appeal to our bad taste."
   1  to try the renumber program   ( N.B. you will not be able to  renumber any 
   1  to stop the die."''" Press 
   1  to run the program again"
   1  to read again.          Press 
   1  to quit ~renumber~ and load   the next item in 
   1  to quit at any time."
   1  to quit and load next item."''''"  
   1  to print the instructions on  the printer"
   1  to play another game."
   1  to move on.             ":
   1  to go         "
   1  to go            "
   1  the first line to renumber";init'"The number you want it to be",a'"The increase in line numbers",b:
   1  programs!)"
   1  is a vortex. If you    land on a vortex you disappear  into a black hole and pop up            
   1  for the instructions again on the screen"
   1  Trouble with a crab";
   1  To Quit menu"
   1  Stony stares";
   1  Something you can't read";
   1  Something to hot to handle";
   1  No rope";
   1  Matches wet";
   1  DON'T PANIC 
   1  Can't pass the erie figure";
   1  Can only find 5 locations"; 
   1  0 .Otherwise follow the instructions."
   1   the program WILL jump to the     correct line number!"
   1   and all the stuff, but for now,"
   1    of your choice.":
   1        "''" We had some very interesting    entries. G Preston sent in a    very interesting animated"'" Wankel rotary engine(The author of stoke4 wanted it to win!).   Adam Hives sent in a beautiful  train with wonderful smoke. We  also received a few well"'" observed animals."''" Our thanks to all of you."'" The second place was well       contested, but I think there    will be little controversy"'" over first prize.":
   1         PLEASE WAIT             "
   1                      in this 
   1                         This 